If we were to extrapolate and assume that ⇓ Time = ⇑ WPM, then the average Time 15 WPM would be over 100 WPM. Mean average is 99 WPM, assuming I've calculated that value correctly. Median average would fall somewhere between 90 - 109 WPM. Mode average is around 100 - 109 WPM (highest peak in the graph also the most populous data point). In terms of numbers, for August and for Time 60: A non-random population will introduce bias into the results, which will skew the average quite significantly, I would imagine. I would also assume that, since these are folks that have joined a typing server, many of them are enthusiasts and will have higher-than-average WPM. A small sample size is more susceptible to bias skewing its results. a total number that includes both registered users and anonymous ones). This means the sample size will be relatively small, compared to the aggregate number of people that have used Monkeytype (i.e. Take note that users that have joined the Monkeytype server - while sizeable - still account for only a portion of every registered Monkeytype account. I'm assuming the date displayed under YY/MM/DD is the date the data was collected. Graphs are generated based on monthly stats for Time 60. If you're interested, the Google Sheets is available here: Monkeystats. However, it only takes into account people within their Discord server, and only those with WPM roles. Monkeytype does have a graph that plots the number of people within a range of WPMs. I looked into it further, and I was slightly mistaken.